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Romeo Can't Hide Dragon Tooth

When a ferocious, magical, but small dragon is accidentally resurrected, he must urgently find his missing tooth in order to return to Dragon Dimension before the wormhole to enter it closes forever. Although clueless about humans, he befriends a charming, but also naughty boy, Romeo, and the two embark on an extraordinary adventure to find the missing tooth. However, a villainous dragon hunter, and government intervention trap them into a dangerous situation from which they can’t escape.​


A   Little Background

A good cause, family project, and fun! We wanted to do just that. 6 months, 400 hours, $200, 25 scenes, 15 characters later, here we are with the  trailer of ‘Romeo Can’t Hide Dragon Tooth’ that is cooked from an original mommy’s recipe using all home made ingredients! 

It all started with a concept from my eight-year-old son and his striking fascination with Dragons and Dinosaurs. We are a simple family, of course, so going to a thick amazon jungle in hope to find a live and breathing dragon was a bit, let’s just say, out of question. 

We then started on the next best action. Make a little story just for our son! But, he beat us to it with a cute concept of a little dragon on a hunt for his missing tooth to go back to his mommy! We had to do a little more as parents, so it was decided that we’d develop the concept into a full-fledged story. 

Several nights were spent in creation of imaginary events surrounding the little dragon theme until one night, when we nailed it. “We must make a movie,” I said. 

“You must be crazy,” my husband yelled.

“Daddy is right!” my son yelled, too.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because it costs a fortune!” They both said, together.

I conceded but I also knew that something had to be done, and if successful, the profits must be shared for a good cause. With that motto, I did my bit of learning animation, pleaded my husband to write the script, and paid my son to do the voice over!! 

Now, we seek your help in converting this into a bonafide movie that we can release in December, 2019. That means a lot needs to be done in animation, sound, music and voice over. If your skills match we’d love to have you volunteer and be part of a journey that will be as special for your kids as it is for me. If you’d rather donate, we’d very much appreciate that, too. 

Please note that we’ll share profits with a host of charities to strengthen school safety in the US.


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©2018 by vianae

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